
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Yellow Pepper and Tomato Frittata

What filling do you put in your frittata? While writing this post, I never thought of asking myself the difference between a frittata and an omelet. The difference is very small. An omelet is usually thin and ingredients are placed on top. As for frittata, the ingredients are cooked along with egg mixture. It has been more than a year since my last made frittata which is the mini prosciutto frittata. This time, leftover ingredients are used to prepare this frittata. Here, the vegetables were cooked at the same time as the egg mixture. You can also cook the vegetables first then pour in the egg mix. Personalize it to your own taste!

Serves 4-6
Preparation Time: 5 mins
Cooking Time: 6-8 mins
Printable Recipe


6 large eggs
1/2 yellow bell pepper, seeded and sliced
1 medium tomato, diced
salt and pepper


1. Beat eggs until frothy. Season with salt and pepper.

2. In a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Pour beaten eggs into skillet. Let eggs set for 2-3 mins. Add bell peppers and tomato.

3. Let the frittata set entirely. Loosen frittata from skillet and slide it onto a plate. Serve hot or at room temperature.

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