
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Oven Baked Chicken in Teriyaki Marinade

What did you make on Mother's Day? For all mothers, what did your kids made for you on Mother's Day? I have to confess that I rarely cook at home, only at my friends' place on Friday and/or Sunday night. When I come back home late at night, my mom had already cooked dinner. So this is the first time that I cook for my mom on Mother's Day. 

The day begins with chocolate pikelets which have become one of my favourite breakfast dish to make because of its light and airy texture. Click on the image for recipe.

For dinner, there are two dishes that were made, as seen in the presentation picture. You might wonder what is this red green stuff on the top right of the dish. Well, these are cooked tomalley-roe of the lobster. Since it is already the start of lobster season, why not make a lobster dish? I kept it simple and stick with the family recipe and cooked lobster in ginger and scallion. Click on image for the procedure of cooking a lobster (the Asian way).

Even though I rarely cook Asian food, I haven't lost my touch at making decent dishes with Asian ingredients. 
One thing that I always wanted to do is to make my own teriyaki sauce. There might be some misperception of what defines a teriyaki sauce. It can be a thin sauce to use as a marinade for chicken, beef and fish, or as a thick sauce and use it like a barbecue sauce. As a first attempt on making my own sauce, I was pretty satisfied of the results, still need a little bit of tweaking to make it perfect. For best results, marinade bone-in or boneless chicken breasts for at least 2 hours, the longer the marinating time the stronger the flavours. You can easily use the marinade as a sauce for your rice or noodle. 

Oven Baked Chicken in Teriyaki Marinade
Serves 4
Preparation Time: 5 mins
Marinade Time: at least 2 hours, preferably overnight
Baking Time: 35 mins
Printable Recipe


2 chicken breasts, bone-in or boneless

Teriyaki Sauce

1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup rice wine
1 1/2 tsp distilled vinegar
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 tsp ginger, grated
3 garlic cloves, minced


1. In a saucepan, combine all ingredients except for the chicken. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 mins. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Allow sauce to cool completely.

2. Place chicken in a plastic bag and pour in teriyaki sauce. Marinade for minimum 2 hours or overnight.

3. Preheat oven to 425F.

4. Lay an aluminium foil on a baking pan. Reserve marinade for basting and for sauce. Bake chicken for 35 mins until internal temperature reads 160F. Baste chicken with the reserved marinade every 10 mins.

5. In a saucepan, bring the remaining marinade to a boil. Simmer for 10 mins. Serve sauce over rice or noodle.


  1. hey that's what home cooking is all about. everything from scratch....even the sauce! good job ya

  2. you have a nice meal in Mother's day, all look yummy!

  3. Yum yum, love chicken in teriyaki sauce, simply inviting..

  4. Mmmm! This looks incredibly tasty! So cool that you made your own teriyaki sauce, well done!

  5. Bet your mom would have loved that very much... great recipe!

  6. What a lovely chicken dish, Michael! It looks absolutely delicious and super simple - My kind of weeknight cooking! Thanks for sharing. :)

  7. Someone must have been pretty happy with this meal; I do love lobster and eat the everything edible including the red green roe. That chicken looks really tasty; love that you made your own sauce.

  8. Looks like wonderful menu, you mom will be proud of you.

  9. Sure would have enjoyed all the food and pampering! what a nice way to treat on her day! I'm big fan of triyaki chicken, my Japanese friend cooks them for never got a chance to learn, may be i should now, sounds easy! Everything looks wonderful!

  10. When I first saw the chicken I thought it was a giant sweet potato! (I'd still eat it though :p) Still, looks very very yummy, oh how I miss Asian food. I hope your mum liked it (I'd be very surprised if she didn't!) :)

  11. Thanks for the sauce recipe, I was looking forward for one good recipe. The chicken sounds delicious.

  12. Have been thinking making my own teriyaki...the chicken sounds really great and I love that ginger/onion crab!

  13. I'm sure your mother appreciated you cooking for her. The teriyaki chicken looks great! Interesting that you use Worcestershire sauce... I usually stick with the basic traditional recipe (mirin, soy sauce, sake, and sugar), but it's definitely tweakable.

  14. I think the marinade sounds amazing!

  15. Classic flavors that I never tire of. You always have something delicious going on in your kitchen, Victor!

  16. Lovely meal to celebrate Mother's Day ... I love your breakfast dish and your Chicken in Teriyaki sauce is yummylicious!!:)

  17. What a feast! Everything looks great. I never added Worcestershire sauce in Teriyaki sauce. I should check how it tastes. Looks like you had a very nice MOother's Day! ;-)

  18. Love teriyaki chicken!! And there really is nothing better than making your sauce!!!

  19. @Valérie

    That's true I forgot that mirin is a main ingredient for teriyaki.

    @Nami @ Just One Cookbook

    There are so many variations on teriyaki, I saw a couple that uses Worcestershire, since I have it in my pantry, I try it out anyway.

  20. you're cooking lobster?? i dont even know how to clean and cut them! long time since i last tasted a chicken teriyaki..almost forgotten how they tasted..

  21. This sounds like a delicious meal! Well done!
